4 Bedroom Upgrades That Will Help Seniors Stay Safe At Home

Often when seniors decide to stay in their own homes as they get older they remodel the house to give it a new and updated design and to incorporate some things that will help them as they get older. Seniors who are relying on elder care may opt to create a design that will make it easier for them to have a caregiver as they get older. Bedroom upgrades are a good way for seniors to focus on getting the restful sleep they need to stay healthy while also doing what they can to minimize the risk of falls and other injuries that often happen in the bedroom. Some of the best bedroom upgrades for seniors who want stylish and safe bedrooms are:
First Floor Primary Suite
It’s a smart investment to create a first floor primary suite for seniors so that they don’t have to worry about going up and down stairs. Even if your senior loved one has elder care they may take a fall down the stairs when they are going upstairs or coming downstairs and they are tired and groggy. A first floor primary suite makes it easy for your senior loved one to have access to their comfortable bedroom and a full bathroom on the main floor of the home. And in the future if your senior parent needs a wheelchair, cane, or walker having a first floor bedroom suite all ready for them will help them avoid injuries and falls.
Minimal Furniture
Another thing that will help your senior loved one avoid falls is having minimal furniture in the bedroom. Your senior loved one doesn’t need to have a lot of furniture cluttering up the room, and design experts say that the minimalist trend is very hot this year. Your senior parent’s bedroom should have a bed, and a nightstand, and a couple of comfortable chairs but that’s really all they need. In the future if they need medical equipment not having a lot of furniture in the room will make it easier to get that machinery into the room where it needs to be.
Great Lighting
Lighting is important. Lighting the bedroom needs to be bright enough that your senior loved one will be able to see, especially if they get up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom. But it also needs to be gentle enough that it won’t blind them or keep them awake. A great design feature to install in a bedroom is floor level lighting that is motion activated. When your senior loved one gets out of bed lights all along the floor will light up to show them the path to the bathroom or hallway without your senior loved one having to fumble for a light switch.
Layered Textiles
Layered textiles are very on trend and they are great for seniors because they allow seniors to control their sleep temperature. Keeping several layered blankets of different textures and thickness on the bed instead of a giant heavy comforter makes it easy for seniors to add or remove blankets to reach their ideal sleeping temperature.
If you or an aging loved one is considering Elder Care in Town and Country, FL , please contact the caring staff at R.B. Home Health Services, Inc today. 305-220-6309
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