Easy Ways Families Can Stay Connected With A Senior Loved One

If you have a senior parent that lives far enough away that you can’t visit as often as you’d like you may be worried about your parent becoming socially isolated. It’s a valid concern. Social isolation is reaching epidemic levels among seniors, especially among seniors that are aging in place. But you don’t have to lose your connection with your senior parent just because you can’t be there with them all the time. There are lots of things that you can do to keep your bond with your senior loved one strong like:
A Nightly Phone Call Check In
One of the easiest but most meaningful ways that you can stay connected to your senior loved one is to call them at the same time every night to check in. Even if it’s just a quick phone call to say hello, check in, talk about your day, or say prayers or poems together that connection can mean the world to your senior parent. If you have siblings you can make a plan so that each sibling will call on a different night. That way your senior parent is getting calls from each sibling on a regular basis. You can also have their friends join in on the calls if your senior parent has friends that live far away. Real conversation done on the phone each day can be a valuable source of connection for seniors.
Video Calls
Another great option is video chats and video calls. Whether you are calling with Facetime or doing a Zoom with all of your siblings video chats allow you and your senior parent to have the visual connection that both of you need. You will have the chance to see for yourself how your senior loved one is doing and your senior parent will be able to have the human connection that only comes from eye contact and seeing the people that you love.
Sending Cards And Letters
You and your siblings can go old school and send actual letters and greeting cards to your parent. And have your parent send letters and cards to you. There’s just something about receiving a physical card or letter in the mail that increases the sense of connection that seniors have to their family and friends. And many seniors really enjoy getting mail. You can even have their grandkids make them some handmade cards and drawings that they can put on the fridge.
Companion Care At Home
Companion care at home isn’t a substitute for family, but it is a great option for seniors who have a difficult time getting out of the house. When your senior loved one has companion care at home they will have a care provider there to play games with, talk with, share meals with, and go for walks with. The time they spend with the care provider will help them stay emotionally and physically healthy by giving them the social connection that they need.
If you or an aging loved-one is considering Companion Care at Home in Hillsborough, FL please contact the caring staff at Healthy Services Of Tampa, Inc today. 813-932-9922
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