Why Won’t Your Senior Listen to Their Doctor

Every senior should have a doctor that they trust and see regularly. But what happens when your parents refuse to see their doctor or listen to their instructions? You may be thinking that your mom or dad is intentionally not listening or going, but it could be something else. When you sit down and talk to your senior, you may be surprised to find out they need more help than you can give while they’re aging in place. If getting around from place to place is something your mom or dad is struggling with, it’s time to look into home care providers to help get your parents to the doctors.
No matter their age, it’s rare to meet someone who looks forward to a trip to the doctor’s office. Having a parent refuse to visit a doctor while you’re trying to assist them with their health may be highly challenging. A treatment plan can’t be developed without an accurate diagnosis to make matters worse. A neurological, medical, and cognitive assessment is required to rule out any other probable reasons for your parent’s symptoms of dementia. If you don’t have that assessment, you don’t know what to do next. After you get the right help in a place like a home care provider, try out these tips when your parent won’t go to the doctor.
Should You Force Your Parent to See a Doctor?
Answering this question, in a nutshell, is no. Forcing someone to do something they don’t want to do is against the law. To be clear, any type of physical compulsion might be seen as elder abuse or assault. A person’s right to reject medical treatment even if it harms their health exists if they are of sound mind and not under guardianship.
It’s essential to have a form of open communication to try and figure out why a senior may not want to go to the doctor. You may find out that they need a new doctor, a closer office, or something that is easily changed. However, you can never force someone to accept help, especially if they’re still capable. So here are a few tips to keep in mind once they have refused to see a doctor or listen to them.
Find a New Doctor
There is no harm in trying this advice, even if someone is unwilling to confess that they dislike the doctor. A home call doctor may be available for your elderly parent if they reside in an assisted-living facility. In certain cases, your parent’s doctor may even be willing to “drop by” and visit them even while living at home.
Opt for Telehealth
Telehealth has exploded in the last several years, and if your senior love tech, this may be a good solution. This allows the doctor to talk to your senior and find out what the problem is without the senior asking home care for rides. It may help them feel more independent when they can schedule appointments and keep them without the extra help.
Ask Someone Else to Help
If your senior mom or dad still refuses to go to the doctor, it’s time to get another family member involved. Ask a brother or sister to help with your elderly loved one and find out if they can be more convincing. They may help them understand why listening to the doctor is crucial or why going in the first place will benefit them. It’s okay to need more help.
If you or an aging loved one is considering home care in Tampa, FL , please contact the caring staff at R.B. Home Health Services, Inc today. 305-220-6309
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