When to Hire a Caregiver for Your Senior

Many seniors may require some measure of care and support with daily activities as they age, but they will find it difficult to ask for help. Your senior may also take comfort in the intimacy of his or her surroundings, including neighbors and acquaintances. Therefore, in-home care allows your senior to remain at home while receiving the assistance they require.
Pointers to Help You Know When to Hire a Caregiver for Your Senior
Keep a close watch out for the following signs in your senior, as they would suggest that it is time to engage an in-home caregiver.
A Decline in Physical Health
If you live far away from your senior, make it a point of duty to observe them on visits, checking for bruises and their weight to see if they appear to be losing weight. A reduction in weight could indicate that your senior is no longer able to prepare their own meals, leading to loss. Bruises could suggest a fall.
Poor Personal Hygiene
Examine your senior’s general look, smell, and ability to dress appropriately for the weather, as well as other hygiene duties such as bathing, brushing teeth, flossing, and hair care -if lacking or unkempt. Because the aforementioned operations demand flexibility and fine motor functions, a senior’s strength to carry out these tasks may deteriorate with age. This is a clear indication that you need to get a caregiver to help them.
Worsening Medical Condition and Medications
If your senior has a serious condition, they may need to go to the hospital on a frequent basis for treatments and prescription refills. When sufficient care is not provided, they become vulnerable to developing other conditions. As a consequence, it is important to secure appropriate care giving services for them.
Unusual Forgetfulness
What may appear to be a simple missed prescription dose or doctor’s appointment may look normal enough because everyone makes mistakes from time to time. However, forgetfulness might have severe implications if there is doubt about whether medication was taken at all. Forgetting to pay bills, properly securing the household, getting lost in familiar surroundings, and odd bank withdrawals are all examples of forgetfulness. It is likely that what appears to be forgetfulness is actually a symptom of dementia or Alzheimer’s disease. This is an indication for your senior to receive in-home care.
Troubles with Driving
As a senior becomes older, he or she may lose the ability to drive safely. Unexpected dents and scrapes on the automobile, traffic citations, and accidents are all signs of a driver’s problem. If your senior’s vision, hearing, or reflexes have been diagnosed as impaired, this may increase their risk of getting involved in a car accident. As a response, you should be aware that it is time for them to get support from a caretaker.
If you have any concerns, even if it is only about one thing, it is a good sign that you should become more involved in your senior’s life. Trust your instincts, but first communicate your worries to them in a respectful and non-threatening manner. Make it clear to your senior that your goal is to protect their safety and comfort. Then consider your options for a caregiver. However, make certain that the home care organization you choose satisfies all state requirements and that its caregivers have been thoroughly screened and educated.
If you or an aging loved-one is considering in-home care in Temple Terrace, FL please contact the caring staff at Healthy Services Of Tampa, Inc today. 813-932-9922
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