What Activities Should Seniors Avoid

There seems to be a growing list of things that seniors should avoid eating and doing. Unfortunately, although the list may seem long, seniors must follow. If you can’t take care of your beloved senior, it is time to hire an assistant. Many senior home care companies will provide companions for the senior.
They are professionals who are trained to help seniors live out on their own. They may help manage medications, help them stay active, help them bathe, and take the seniors to appointments and run errands. Senior home care can be essential for aging in place.
One of the best things about senior home care providers is that they will help ensure a senior’s safety. This also means they will help seniors avoid certain foods and activities that may not be safe for them. Safety for a senior can be one of the reasons families choose to hire a caregiver. Take a look at some of the activities a senior should avoid.
Activities Seniors Should Avoid
Some seniors grew up doing physical activity, and that is wonderful! However, over a certain age, some exercises and activities should be avoided. If you are a senior home care provider or a loved one looking out for a family member, you need to ensure that your senior avoids these four exercises.
Deadlifts at the Gym
Many seniors still go to the gym, and this is healthy for them. However, they will not be able to do what they used to at the gym and one of those things is deadlift. This can greatly stress the back if done wrong and it is not low-impact.
Avoid Long Runs
A senior may have loved running at some point in their life. Unfortunately, it puts a tremendous amount of strain on the entire body. A senior can get the same health benefits by jogging or swimming in the pool or going on medium length walks.
As seniors age the back becomes fragile. Crunches may increase back pain which can hurt the core. Instead of crunches, find other ways to increase abdominal strength. Many yoga poses can help increase back and abdominal muscles.
You’ve heard how good squats are for your body, but the truth is they are a huge risk to seniors at the gym. This activity can place too much pressure on the knees which can hurt them in the future. It may force them to be less mobile and worst of all, in pain.
Stair Climbing
When seniors were younger they may have run up and down the stairs but as the body ages balance becomes worse. Stairs are an activity that should be avoided. If the senior is looking for a way to increase leg muscle they can easily get those benefits from walking or using the elliptical.
A senior home care provider will be able to manage a senior and keep them informed about what they can and cannot do. If the senior easily forgets things the caregiver can keep reminding them and help them make better choices. This is one of the best ways to keep a senior healthy.
If you or an aging loved-one is considering Senior Home Care in Westchase, FL please contact the caring staff at Healthy Services Of Tampa, Inc today. 813-932-9922
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