How To Talk To Your Senior Parent About Elder Care

These days most seniors are choosing to stay home as they get older, especially seniors who are relatively healthy. They are happier at home than they would be anywhere else. And that makes sense, but seniors often need regular assistance in order to be safe at home as they get older.
Even seniors who don’t have mobility challenges or other health- based issues can need help with day to day tasks like cleaning the house, tidying up, managing their medication, or making meals. Elder care at home is a great option that allows seniors to keep their independence by helping them with the things that they can’t easily do for themselves anymore. From getting the mail to remembering to take the trash out to cleaning up the breakfast dishes, elder care can be a big help to seniors that are aging in place.
But seniors may insist they don’t need any help because they want to remain independent or because they don’t want to think that they can’t do everything they used to do. If you want your senior parent to have elder care to help them around the house you need to start the conversation about the benefits of home care for seniors. It can be difficult to start that conversation but some ways you can make it easier are:
Pick A Good Time To Have A Serious Conversation
The best time to have a serious conversation is when both you and your senior parent are well-fed, not tired, and open to a good reasonable talk. That means you shouldn’t bring up the topic of getting your senior loved one help late at night, or early in the morning. Usually mid-morning or mid-afternoon is the best time to have a conversation where you want your senior loved one to be at their most receptive.
Schedule An In-Home Care Trial
No matter how much you talk about the benefits of elder care at home your senior loved one may be resistant to the idea. So you should show them the benefits instead. Schedule a few sessions of in-home care for seniors so that your senior loved one can see for themselves how nice it is to have someone around who can help with the housework, help cook meals, and who will be there to talk with and do activities with. Once your senior parent experiences the benefits of having home care they are much more likely to be open to the idea of getting care at home.
Revisit The Topic
If your senior parent is adamant that they don’t want a care provider then stop the conversation so that you don’t get into an argument about it. Plan on revisiting the topic another time and in the meantime start talking about the benefits of home care so that your senior loved one can start to think about the ways that home care could really help them. You might find that after your senior parent has had to think about it they are more open to the idea.
If you or an aging loved one is considering Elder Care in South Tampa, FL , please contact the caring staff at R.B. Home Health Services, Inc today. 305-220-6309
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