Downsizing Tips For Seniors Aging At Home

If your senior loved one plans on aging at home it’s a good idea to help them go through the family home and downsize some of the things. Making a home ready for a senior who wants to live there as they get older is something that should be done as soon as possible. That way you and your senior parent won’t have to worry about renovations down the line unless there’s a big change in their health. But for senior who have lived in the same house for a long time, downsizing and getting rid of things can be emotionally difficult. Here are some tips to make it easier:
Make A Plan
It’s very intimidating to think about going through the family home to figure out what should stay and what should go. Instead of just jumping in, sit down with your senior loved one and make a plan for how and when to tackle each part of the house. By creating an organized plan you will better be able to prepare for cleaning out each part of the house. And your senior parent will be better able to face the emotional part of letting go of things if they have some time to prepare.
Digitize Whatever You Can
In many cases what family members really want to get rid of is old photos, books, children’s artwork, and other mementos that have been cluttering up the home for years. These days you can easily digitize all of that by taking digital photos with a smartphone or a tablet. You can store all the photos and videos digitally and send them to the other members of the family. With digital picture frames you can program all your senior loved one’s favorite photos into the frame so they can see them all in one frame as a slideshow. That will save space and get rid of many boxes of old things.
Get Some Help
When it’s time to clean out some of the hardest areas like the attic or the basement home care can help by making sure that your senior parent is ok while you or a cleaning service tackle the home. With home care you can focus on making sure the house is safe and clean for your senior loved one and they will focus on keeping your senior loved one busy sorting through piles of things or enjoying the memories of all the old items that are being brought out.
Put Some Things In Storage
Remember that downsizing is a process. Your senior parent may not be ready to let go of a lot of their furniture, mementos, photos, and other keepsakes. If you want to clean out the house so that renovations can be done, think about putting some items into storage. That way your senior loved one can go through them later on when they feel emotionally ready to let go of some of those things. It may take time before they can let go of the items that they have a sentimental attachment to.
If you or an aging loved one is considering home care in Riverview, FL , please contact the caring staff at R.B. Home Health Services, Inc today. 305-220-6309
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