Four Tips for Helping Your Senior to Manage Asthma

It’s not uncommon at all for aging adults to find out later in life that they have asthma. This is often because the symptoms have worsened and in the past it was easier to attribute the symptoms to something else. If your elderly family member has been diagnosed with asthma, you’ll need a plan to help her to feel her best as often as possible.
Get to Know as Much as Possible about Asthma
Once your senior has a diagnosis, it’s time for you to learn as much as you can about asthma. The more that you and your senior know and understand, the easier it will be to let go of anxiety about what’s happening. There’s a lot of information out there, and don’t forget to ask her doctor about anything that you don’t understand.
Work with Her Doctor to Put a Care Plan Together
Your senior’s doctor can also help you to put a plan together to keep her asthma under control. There may be one or more new medications that your senior needs to take properly in order to keep her asthma well controlled. You’ll also need to know what to do when she has an asthma attack and how to know it’s severe enough to get help.
Keep Track of What’s Working and What Isn’t
Something else that can help a lot is to keep a log or a journal of what’s working for your senior. This is important because it helps you both understand how to repeat those results. But it’s equally important to keep track of what doesn’t work for her, so that you can share that information with your elderly family member’s doctor.
Find a Support System for Your Senior
Your elderly family member may also need a more substantial support system than she has now. That might include a support group made up of other older adults who have asthma. It also might consist of home care providers. Your elderly family member may be in a position where she needs to conserve her energy more often, especially as she gets used to new medications. Home care providers can assist as needed and ensure that she’s got someone with her if something does happen.
Asthma is something that your elderly family member can live with for a very long time, but it’s important to know what triggers attacks and what helps her to keep her symptoms under control.
If you or an aging loved-one is considering home care in Brandon, FL please contact the caring staff at Healthy Services Of Tampa, Inc today. 813-932-9922
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