Best Exercises Your Elderly Loved One Can Do At Home

Exercise can help boost a person’s mood and improve various aspects of their health. It can improve quality of life, as well. Many experts suggest that an elderly person get at least 30 minutes of exercise every day. However, many elderly people might find this difficult to do. They may think that many exercises are too difficult. With this being said, there are some exercises your loved one should be able to do. Keep reading here to find the best exercises for your elderly loved one to do at home.
Arm Lift Exercises
Arm lift exercises can be very beneficial. These exercises can help increase your elderly loved one’s upper body strength. If your eldelry loved one isn’t sure what arm lift exercises they should be doing, there are websites and videos that can help them. There are even arm lift exercises that don’t require weights. If your elderly loved one can use weights, you and their senior care providers should encourage them to add weights to the exercise. This will help increase their muscle mass, improve the flexibility in their arms, and strengthen their upper body even more.
Yoga Exercises
Yoga can be fun and beneficial. Many experts agree that yoga can reduce stress levels, inflammation, and reduce the risk of many health issues. Your elderly loved one can find many yoga videos online. As a family caregiver, you may want to watch your elderly loved one when they first start doing yoga. Over time, their balance should get better and they may not need supervision.
Stepping Over An Imaginary Box
You can encourage your elderly loved one to simulate the actions they perform when stepping over a box. This is a simple exercise that can be done right at home. It can help improve muscle strength, coordination, and balance. There isn’t a box included in this exercise. Your elderly loved one just needs to imagine that there is a box on the floor. They look at their imaginary box and step over it from one side to the other. If your elderly loved one needs to hold onto a chair or counter to ensure they don’t fall, that is perfectly fine. If needed, you or a senior care provider can hold onto their arm, as well.
Exercising is beneficial. It can improve mental and physical health. Most importantly, it can improve a person’s quality of life. This is why it is important to encourage your elderly loved one to start exercising today and to incorporate exercise into their daily routines.
If you or an aging loved-one is considering Senior Care in Westchase, FL please contact the caring staff at Healthy Services Of Tampa, Inc today. 813-932-9922
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