Five Things to Know About Home Care Services

Your dad lives alone, and he’s told you that he never wants to have to move. You’re starting to wonder if that’s still possible. Have you stopped to consider the benefits of home care?
Someone Is In the House During Showers
How often do you worry about your dad’s safety when he’s taking a shower? This is a common place for people to slip and fall. When a caregiver is in the home, you don’t have to worry. His caregiver is available to offer support while he steps in and out of the shower, dries off, and gets dressed.
Your Dad Eats Well
There are two ways that home care helps your dad with meals and snacks. He has someone to prepare meals and snacks for him as needed.
The other thing that caregivers can do is ensure your dad has someone to eat with. Eating alone can lead to rushed meals or light meals that are quick to make and eat. Your dad may be more likely to order takeout if he’s alone.
When your dad has a caregiver to eat with, he’s going to take his time and chat while he eats. It boosts happiness through socialization and helps him make healthier choices.
He Has Help With Household Cleaning and Maintenance
When your dad has a caregiver with him, he has someone to make his bed, change his sheets and towels, and do the laundry. He has a caregiver to clean his counters, dust furniture, and vacuum carpets. His caregiver can sweep hardwood or tile floors, wash dishes, and put things where they go.
Home Care Prevents Loneliness and Isolation
Your dad often feels lonely. You can only stop by once a month, and he wants someone there every day. With his friends all living in other areas that are too far for him to walk, he feels isolated. Hire caregivers to spend time with him or take him where he needs to go.
It Helps With Driving and Transportation
Your dad had a heart attack or stroke. Until he has medical clearance again, he’s not allowed to drive. With his weekly physical therapy appointments, routine follow-up care, and errands, you’re at his house more than you’re at work. It’s becoming a problem.
Instead of going in late, leaving early, using up your lunch break, or taking a day off, let home care aides drive your dad to the places he needs to go. You don’t have to stop working and lose pay or burn through personal, vacation, or sick days, and he still has the rides he needs.
It’s time to talk to an expert in home care. With a full array of available services, your dad can have the help he needs to maintain his independence. Call to learn more.
If you or an aging loved-one is considering Home Care in Ybor City, FL please contact the caring staff at Healthy Services Of Tampa, Inc today. 813-932-9922
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