Tips To Help Seniors Deal With Tinnitus

If your senior is dealing with tinnitus, you may not understand the constant frustration of hearing a high-frequency ringing. Even if it is low in intensity, the persistent noise may at first seem like an inconvenience. There are some people who can’t stand the constant ringing of their phones for more than a few days or weeks at a time. Seniors may be struggling with tinnitus and are unsure how to get some relief. Hearing aids may not be the best choice for seniors unless they suffer from hearing loss. Doctors do make maskers that will help a senior cover up the sound of the ringing. If a senior suffers from tinnitus and hearing loss, they can wear a hearing aid and a masker.
Some seniors need more help than you can provide, and it is okay to find extra help. Seniors may need to go to multiple appointments to get fitted for hearing aids and maskers. If you can’t drive them around as much as you’d like, it’s time to seek in-home care providers. These caregivers will help your senior parents live independently from you. In-home care providers will help a senior drive around and run errands like going to the otolaryngologist or ear doctor.
If tinnitus is acting up and a senior needs help you may be able to help provide them some relief by following these tips. If it gets too bad it is time to set a doctor’s appointment before their regular checkup. Having a better understanding of tinnitus allows you to effectively prepare and manage its symptoms. Since there is no known treatment for tinnitus, proper care is essential. Having persistent tinnitus doesn’t have to be a burden on your life.
Try Retraining Therapy
Often when a senior focuses on the noise, it becomes worse and something they think about constantly. However, if a senior can focus on other things and train their brains to push the sound like background noise, it may better help them get through the day. A doctor may recommend this treatment for some seniors, and it may help them manage the constant ringing.
Keep a Senior Distracted
Instead of paying for a therapist, a senior can easily try to keep themselves busy and focused on something other than the ringing in their ears. This is also when in-home care providers can be a huge help. Instead of being alone and focusing on the sound, a caregiver and senior can go about their day and focus on a routine together.
Have a Plan
Sometimes it can be hard to control a spike in tinnitus. When this happens, a senior should have a go-to activity or plan that will help them battle the ringing. Maybe they find that a warm bath with low music helps; this can be something they plan on doing when it gets too bad to handle.
It is important to always go to a doctor for help and other management tips. A doctor may recommend a hearing aid for some seniors and give them better advice tailored to the individual.
If you or an aging loved-one is considering In-Home Care in Westshore, FL please contact the caring staff at Healthy Services Of Tampa, Inc today. 813-932-9922
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