How Does In-Home Care Assist With ALS?

More than half of today’s caregivers provide care to their mom or dad. If you’re the family caregiver to a parent with ALS, it’s especially challenging at times. Not only is the care you provide something you learn as you go, but you’re also watching the decline, which can be emotionally draining.
Have you considered the benefits you and your family gain by arranging in-home care? Support your need to take care of yourself with the help your mom or dad needs. Here are the ways in-home care helps with ALS.
Your dad has ALS. As the disease progresses, you notice he really has a hard time walking more than a few steps. Help with ambulation is necessary. He shouldn’t be alone when getting in and out of the shower or when standing up from his bed or favorite seat.
If he weighs more than you or you’re not extremely strong, lifting and supporting his weight is going to strain you. You might need to invest in equipment like devices that help, such as a gait belt and shower sling. Your dad may need a wheelchair, which can mean arranging his home to accommodate it.
It’s often better to hire trained caregivers to help out. They have the tools and training needed to help with ambulation. Use this time to do other chores and let the caregiver help with showering, transfers, and other aspects of mobility that you’re struggling to manage.
Your dad’s ability to chew and swallow is going to diminish over time. He needs softer foods. His intake of water needs to be monitored to ensure he doesn’t become dehydrated and risk a UTI.
Have an in-home care aide to assist with meal preparation and keep track of your dad’s hourly fluid intake. Home care aides can feed him while you do the laundry or run errands.
As your dad’s movements decrease, he’s not going to be allowed to drive. If he can’t easily turn to check blind spots or move his foot from the brake to the gas pedal, he needs to let others drive.
With many appointments to physical therapy offices, doctors, occupational therapists, and respiratory therapists, you may struggle to balance your job, your children’s needs, and your dad’s many appointments.
In-home care services can drive him to these appointments and help him during his appointments. He’ll have a trusted person to walk with him into the office and help him schedule the next session. The caregiver drives him back home after.
Learn more about the benefits of in-home care for a parent with ALS. It helps your dad manage the degenerative disease with someone familiar. And, that also helps you by ensuring you have time for self-care. Call a specialist in home care to learn more.
If you or an aging loved-one is considering in-home care in Hillsborough, FL please contact the caring staff at Healthy Services Of Tampa, Inc today. 813-932-9922
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