How Can You Help Your Mom Avoid Feeling Lonely and Isolated?

It’s estimated that 25% of older adults are socially isolated. More than 33% admit to feeling lonely. How do you help your mom feel engaged in her community and socially active?
Meet Her Neighbors and Community Members
Encourage our mom to leave her house and meet people in her community. Go for walks with her and get to know her neighbors. Check the local recreation department and senior centers to see if they have clubs for birdwatching, nature walks, or other engaging activities.
If she has a local library, they often have book reading groups, educational programs, and support groups where people can socialize. The more opportunities she has to engage with others and make new friends, the less likely she is to feel lonely and isolated.
Get Her to Volunteer
Volunteering is one of the easiest and most beneficial ways to socialize. Your mom will find local volunteering opportunities posted by local non-profit agencies, hospitals, and churches. If she’s not sure something is right for her interests, she can always try and see what she thinks before committing to be a regular volunteer.
Your mom doesn’t even have to leave her home. Advocacy groups for many national organizations are looking for volunteers to make calls, send emails, or write commentaries in local papers. Hospitals often look for people who can knit, sew, or crochet to make blankets, quilts, and hats for patients.
Your mom may want to look into the Smithsonian’s volunteer program that’s done online. Your mom joins a project and transcribes letters and historical documents. Online crisis centers look for volunteers willing to be trained to help individuals in need. Other organizations look for volunteers to identify animals in photos, transcribe old manuscripts, and look for abusive comments in forums.
Arrange to Have Caregivers Stop By Each Week
Companion care at home is one of the best ways to ensure your mom has someone with her each week. When you live too far away or must work all week, your mom doesn’t have to be alone. Hire caregivers to stop by and join her for a conversation, meal, or relaxed afternoon.
Call an agency to schedule companion care at home and ask about services and prices. You’ll work together to create a care plan that matches your mom’s needs. As her needs change, the companion care aide works with you to make sure the care plan covers all of the necessary components of care.
If you or an aging loved-one is considering Companion Care at Home Brandon, FL please contact the caring staff at Healthy Services Of Tampa, Inc today. 813-932-9922
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