Four Tips for Managing Your Senior’s Diabetes at Home

Proper diabetes management gets complicated quickly, especially if your senior is taking medications, taking insulin, and trying to figure out why her blood sugar levels are out of the ranges she wants them in even when she’s doing all the right things. She may need some extra help to get things under control with diabetes.
Consider Getting Some Hands-on Help
Whether your elderly family member has had diabetes for a while that was under control or is dealing with a new diagnosis of diabetes, this can be an overwhelming situation to be in. It is a good idea to get some hands-on help to assist with whatever aspects of diabetes are giving her the most trouble. Home health care providers can assist with so many of the challenges your senior is facing right now.
Learn What Improves Her Blood Glucose Levels and What Doesn’t
The right foods, drinking plenty of water, and even exercise can help your senior’s blood glucose levels to stay within normal ranges. But every person with diabetes is different because they have different needs and they have other health concerns, too. That’s why working closely with home health care providers can help so much. They’re able to help your senior to finetune what works for her and what doesn’t.
Put Together a Plan that Works with Her Doctor’s Recommendations
Without the right plan in place, managing blood glucose levels becomes way more difficult than it has to be for your elderly family member. Your senior’s doctor may offer recommendations for how often she should test, what she should eat, and how much she should exercise. Home health care providers can help to put that plan in actual motion and assist with tweaking aspects of the plan to work better with your senior’s lifestyle.
Reassess Goals and Track Progress
Having goals is always a good idea because that helps people to know where to aim their efforts. It’s no different with managing a big health concern like diabetes. Home health care providers assist your senior with setting reasonable goals and then pushing toward meeting those goals. They can also help her to track her progress, so that she can see what she’s accomplishing.
Understanding diabetes is the key to living well and even to thriving with it, and the diabetic education that home health care providers can offer is tailored to your senior’s situation and to her needs.
If you or an aging loved-one is considering home health care in Riverview, FL please contact the caring staff at Healthy Services Of Tampa, Inc today. 813-932-9922
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