Can Your Dad Have His Therapy Sessions At Home?

After his stroke, your dad has a lot of skills to regain. The stroke left him with limited use of his left arm and leg. His speech is limited, and he’s unable to walk around, feed himself, or use the toilet without help.
His medical team says there is a chance he’ll regain most of his former abilities, but it’s going to take months of therapy. His options are to move into a rehabilitation facility with around-the-clock nurses, doctors, and therapists or to have home health care services.
If you arrange home health care therapy sessions for your dad, how do they work? Are they just as effective?
The Benefits of Therapy at Home
Therapy sessions at your dad’s home can be even more effective than in an office or clinic. He’s in a familiar, calming setting, which helps him get into the right frame of mind for the exercises he’s about to perform.
Relearning speech, movements, and routine skills may frustrate him. When he’s in his home, it can be easier than being in an unfamiliar setting. Stick around for moral support if you know it will help him, but make sure you’re not interrupting sessions.
Physical therapists are going to work with your dad on regaining mobility and the use of his legs and arms. He may never be able to walk without help. His physical therapist may recommend a walker and show him how to use it.
Occupational therapists show your dad how to do things like button his shirts, zip pants, and tie shoes. He’ll relearn how to use a knife, fork, and spoon to feed himself. He may need to learn how to use tools to make these chores easier.
He’ll relearn speech skills with his speech therapist. He may never regain full speech, but the easier it is for him to communicate with others, the happier he’ll be.
How Home Health Care Therapy Sessions Work
Instead of loading your dad into your car and driving to the different therapists’ offices, they come to him. You schedule home therapy sessions with them and make sure someone is there to greet them and let them in at the appointed time.
The therapists work with your dad to rebuild his motor skills, stamina, speech, etc. Once the session is over, the therapists will leave instruction sheets with exercises your dad needs to do every day. Make sure he follows the instructions and does them as instructed.
Talk to a home health care agency about your dad’s needs. After a stroke, he’s likely going to need physical, occupational, and speech therapy. When he can have these services in the comfort of his home, it’s less stressful. A home health care specialist can help you schedule these services.
If you or an aging loved one is considering Home Health Care in Brandon, FL , please contact the caring staff at R.B. Home Health Services, Inc today. 305-220-6309
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