4 Ways To Celebrate The Senior Women In Your Life

March is Women’s History Month which means it’s a fantastic time to get to know more about the senior women in your life. Women who are in their 70s, and 80s today have lived through periods of huge cultural change and have some fascinating stories to tell. If you’re a family caregiver for a senior woman and you want to celebrate your mom, aunt, or other senior female relative some great ways to do that this month include:
Document Their Stories
A fantastic way to celebrate the senior women in your life is to document their stories as best you can. Take video or record audio of your senior loved one talking about her favorite memories of past decades, or some of the experiences that she had that she felt defined different decades, or what wisdom she wants to pass on to future generations of women. These conversations on audio or on video will be priceless in years to come. Ask her what it felt like to be allowed to get a credit card in her own name for the first time, or be able to travel without her husband’s permission. Your senior loved one’s stories will make history come alive for future generations.
Make A Photo Book Of Their Lives
You can also celebrate Women’s History Month by going through boxes and books of old photos and pulling out the photos of your senior loved one that you feel best captures the spirit of that decade. Then arrange them all in a photo book. Have the book printed and give them to family members as a gift. An elder care provider can help you go through old photo boxes and choose the best photos of your senior loved one. And your senior loved one will love looking back on old memories and old fashions throughout the decades.
Go Through Some Old Clothes And Have A Photo Shoot
If your senior loved one has boxes and trunks of old clothes in the attic, closets, or the garage pull those boxes and trunks out to see what’s in them. You may find a treasure trove of clothes from long-gone eras. Clothes from the early 1900s that are in great shape are rare so if you find any you may want to consider donating them to a museum. But first, if any of them fit you or your senior loved one or your senior loved one’s elder care provider you can put them on and have a fun photo shoot showing off fashion through the decades.
Create A Family Tree
You can also talk to your senior loved one about the other women in the family and together create a family tree documenting the family’s history. Preserving the family history for future generations is a very special and wonderful thing to do. Future generations will appreciate that you took the time to get information about the family from the women who lived it and created it and took the time to write it all down.
If you or an aging loved-one is considering Elder Care in Hillsborough, FL please contact the caring staff at Healthy Services Of Tampa, Inc today. 813-932-9922
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